An Open Letter

To Friends,Former Students, Athletes, and Colleagues,

It has now been over a year since a watershed moment in my life. For those of you close to me you will know what that event was. April 11, 2017 will always be a day that will stick with me in so many ways. I am grateful to God for that day, which may seem as a bit of a surprise to most of you. But this last year has been a year of tremendous growth, not just in my life but in my relationship with God.

It has become abundantly clear to me that my life was not anywhere near what I projected or thought it was. God has shown me that I simply gave lip service to being a professing Christian. While I am sure that I was saved, I certainly never lived like it. I was never in sync with Him in my heart, and as a result my actions did not reflect on what a true Christ follower would do.

I thought, in my own power and strength, that I could sustain myself and not give in to the desires of this world. But I was very wrong. As a result I hurt a lot of people that I cared deeply for. This has brought unnecessary pain and hurt into many lives. For this, I can only say that I am truly and deeply sorry.

Over the last several months, I have spent much time getting to know God and Christ as my savior once again. Through this, it has led me to understand the depth of my depravity and the glory of my salvation. I have found new life. i am not who I once was, by the grace of God. The shame and pain of my actions sticks with me daily. But I have found forgiveness in the one who loves me enough to allow me to have a public failure and then raises me up again.

I can not adequately express my sorrow for the pain I have caused. My only hope and prayer is that you all may extend to me the same grace and forgiveness that I have found in Jesus Christ. For those I wronged, I pray you would find the peace and grace I have found in Jesus Christ. I find solace in the words of David in Psalm 51:1-13.

I know I can be and am forgiven by His grace. But know the difficult work begins to build peace with each of you as much as possible, and repair my life with Christ at the center. I am wanting and willing to do whatever it takes to restore hope and healing. I pray for that opportunity.


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